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200 Million Digits of Eight Different Famous Constants and Numbers

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200 Million digits of eight different constants and numbers.

• The irrational number Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971…

• Euler’s constant:

• Euler-Mascheroni constant: 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421…

Catalan's constant:

Apéry constant:

Golden ratio:

Square root of 2:

Square root of 3:

The constants are presented like this:

Square root of (2) = 1.

4142135623 7309504880 1688724209 6980785696 7187537694 : 50

8073176679 7379907324 7846210703 8850387534 3276415727 : 100

3501384623 0912297024 9248360558 5073721264 4121497099 : 150

9358314132 2266592750 5592755799 9505011527 8206057147 : 200


3997766879 2340188995 2853854335 4101866859 8607520311 : 199999900

2760704236 2178536762 1301855015 1855543916 8669719804 : 199999950

2806328607 9391922619 8293485599 9551830317 9610411484 : 200000000

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200 Million Digits of Eight Different Famous Constants and Numbers

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